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Public Board Meeting
Board Meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of every Month at 6:00 p.m. at ParGil Learning Resource Center 2335 N. State Road 9 LaGrange, IN  46761

2025 Northern Indiana Grazing Conference
The grazing conference will be held on Friday January 31 and Saturday, February 1 at the Michiana Event Center (MEC) located at 455 E. Farver St., Shipshewana, IN  46565.  Registration Brochure 

Tree Sales
Our 2025 Tree Sale Catalog is now available. We can accept orders over the phone, email, mailed in, or in person. 

Tree sale pickup days will be April 9th-11th 2025. 

LaGrange SWCD offers education programs on a variety of topics click here to see the current list of available programs Here


Education Award Application

The District Scholarship application is now open! The deadline is April 18th. Winners will be notified after the April 22nd Board meeting.


April Newsletter





Logjam Removal Bids

(Government Rate)

Notice of Request for Bids for logjam removal work from the Pigeon River by

LaGrange County Soil and Water Conservation District (sponsor)

Notice is hereby given to all qualified individuals and firms that the LaGrange County Soil and Water Conservation District is soliciting bids for the removal of six (6) logjams from selected portions (located from the Ontario Dam westward to the bridge on IN State Road 9 at Howe) of the Pigeon River in central LaGrange County.  The project is being funded through the SWCD in cooperation with the LaGrange County Commissioners and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources through the Lake and River Enhancement program of the Division of Fish and Wildlife.  Sealed bids will be accepted by the LaGrange County SWCD at 910 S. Detroit Street, LaGrange, IN 46761 or via email to from the date of this publication until 4:00 pm May 24, 2024.  A contract will be awarded at the public meeting of the LaGrange County SWCD Board of Supervisors at 6:00 pm, May 24, 2024, at ParGil Natural Resources Learning Center, 2335 N State Road 9, LaGrange IN 46761.  Bids must include proof of liability insurance and appropriate bonding.  The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids.



R.D. Wolheter, SWCD Board Chairman


Dated this 29th day of April 2024


UPDATE: A contract was awarded at the May SWCD Board Meeting to Lakeside Lumber Mill LLC of Middlebury Indiana. More information on this project will be posted under the project tab Logjam Removal as progress is made.   

Purdue University 
Purdue University is offering two different training sessions for produce growers. see flyer for details.
Michiana Irrigated Corn & Soybean Conference 
See attachment for registration and agenda. 
LaGrange SWCD March 6th Annual Meeting Details

The LaGrange County Soil & Water Conservation District is holding our Annual Meeting and would like to extend an invitation to the public to this event.  The meeting will be held on Thursday evening, March 6, 2025, at the YMCA Camp Potawatomie, 7255 E 700 S, Wolcottville, IN  46795.  The meeting will be held in the Camp’s Arrowhead Lodge.

A free evening dinner, prepared by Camp Potawatomie’s kitchen staff, will begin the evening at 6:30 pm.  Karen Kasprzak, Camp Director, will present a brief history of the Camp and describe its mission. Associate Supervisor Pat Wiltshire will present a progress report on the LaGrange County Strategic Water Quality Monitoring Program, now entering its second year.  A short business meeting will include the election of a Supervisor for the SWCD Board, the presentation of the District’s financial report for the 2024 calendar year, and a summary of District activities from the last year.   We will also be presenting a “Conservation Cooperator of the Year Award” and recognizing two LaGrange County Educators for their commitment to natural resources education.    


The LaGrange County SWCD Annual Meeting is a public event.  If you would like to join us for dinner, please contact the LaGrange County SWCD office at (260) 463-3166 ext. 3 by March 3, 2025, so that we can plan for the evening meal. 

Anyone interested in natural resources conservation and management, soil health, agriculture, or water quality are encouraged to attend.  In case of hazardous roads that severely restrict travel, the meeting will be held on March 13, 2025.


The LaGrange County SWCD and all partners (federal, state, local and private organizations) are equal opportunity providers, lenders and employers.

Indiana Waterways Inquiry Request

This tool has been developed in partnership with IDEM and DNR. This tool is used to make inquires for projects that could require special permitting such as 401 Water Quality Certifications, Isolated Wetland permits, Construction in a Floodway permits or other construction along streams, lakes, or dams ONLY. 


This tool allows the user to submit a proposed project to check for permit requirements. THIS TOOL IS NOT A PERMIT APPLICATION. This tool helps determine what permits may be required for certain projects.  Indiana Waterways Inquiry Request


Indiana Construction Stormwater General Permits, (Rule 5) require projects that are 1 acre or larger to have an erosion control plan on file with the LaGrange County Soil & Water District. Projects that have been reviewed require a Notice of Intent (NOI). This allows landowners near the project site Legal Notice of Intents for any developments that fall within the stated criteria.    

Uploaded 01/08/25

David Miller (1645 W 700 S, Wolcottville, IN) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of his intent to comply with the requirements of Construction Stormwater General Permit to discharge stormwater from construction activities associated with David Miller AFO located at 1645 W 700 S, Wolcottville, IN 46795. Run-off from the project site will be managed on-site. The project is located within one 12-digit hydrologic water shed which is 040500011506 Jones Lake-North Branch Elkhart River. Please direct questions to David Miller at (260) 463-1835.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


The LaGrange Soil and Water District has been around since 1952.  Mahlon Dunkel pioneered the way for our LaGrange County Distriction of operation. For more information on his story please visit our blog.   


The LaGrange County Soil & Water Conservation District has various on going grant projects.  With the amount of lakes in LaGrange County these grants are vital in making sure that the rivers are being watched over. 


Donations to the LaGrange County Soil and Water Conservation District help the district to continue putting on education programs. Some of these programs include conservation camp for the youth as well as cover crop field days for adults. 

Get Involved

The LaGrange County Soil and Water Conservation District is involved with may different educational programs, grant-related projects, and community conservation events.   

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